From WWll to now…Getting veterans into business for themselves is a challenge.
From WWll to now...Getting veterans into business for themselves is a challenge. In the 9 years following WW II, 49.7% of America’s veterans went into business for themselves. Post 9/11, it’s in the range of 5-6%. The predominant reason for this dramatic decline is lack of access to capital. Veteran Business Project is making a significant difference for the better with our unique “vharmony” business matchmaking strategy. We match veterans/milspouses seeking to become small business owners with viable small business owners looking to sell. Many baby-boomer small business owners are looking to transition into full retirement. There will [...]
Q2 – 2020 Update
Amidst COVID-19, our volunteers dramatically stepped up efforts to support fellow veteran and military spouse business owners and entrepreneurs. For many business owners, survival has meant redesigning the airplane while flying it— not an easy feat, and this is reflected in our activities in the last quarter: 1. COVID-19 STRIKES CLOSE TO HOME. Almost all of us on the VBP team are business owners, some for decades. From our vantage, no small business is going to escape the pandemic without making fundamental changes in its SOP. Thankfully, EIDL and PPP funding has given us a couple more months to make [...]
Webinar COVID-19 Small Business survival
Veteran Business Project personal provide nationwide webinar on COVID-19 Small Business survival. Stephanie Brown, CEO/Founder of The Rosie Network and a VBP Advisory Board member, hosted an innovative/informative national webinar to address the challenges facing veteran/milspouse small business owners. VBP’s CEO (Lynn Lowder), COO (Jim Wong) and CFO (Fred Parrish) provided critical information on federal loan programs, financial management for the near/long term, opportunities for mergers/acquisitions and more. Additional webinars will be announced soon.
SBA is preparing to disburse funds.
The SBA is preparing to disburse funds under the Paycheck Protection Program. Please spread the word...and stay tuned.
Veteran Business Project Featured in Stars and Stripes
Veteran Business Project Featured in Stars and Stripes In June 2019, we had the incredible honor of being featured in an article by Stars and Stripes. Check out the full story on the Stars and Stripes website, or download a copy here.
Missouri Passes Veteran Small Business Loan Guaranty Bill Initiated by 1 Vet At A Time (now, Veteran Business Project)
Missouri Passes Veteran Small Business Loan Guaranty Bill Initiated By 1 Vet At A Time (1VAAT) (now, Veteran Business Project). Missouri recently signed into law the House Bill 1503 which provides state guaranteed small business loans to Missouri military veteran entrepreneurs. 1VAAT worked cooperatively with Missouri State Representative Dean Dohrman in getting this ground breaking legislation drafted and passed. 1VAAT has now successfully initiated veteran small business loan guarantee legislation in two states (Illinois and Missouri)...with 48 states to go. A laborious process, this effort has never before been identified as a necessary goal for our veterans nor undertaken by [...]
1 VET AT A TIME Returns from the UConn EBV Program
Lynn Lowder, CEO, and Marti Stiteler, COO, recently returned from Hartford, CT where they attended the last three (3) days of UConn School of Business' 7th Annual Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans with Disabilities (EBV) program. It has been a resounding success year after year, principally due to the leadership of its Director, Lt. Col. Michael Zacchea, USMC (Ret.). Mike is a disabled combat veteran and author of a book entitled "The Ragged Edge" ( He and his staff did a superb job, bringing much expertise to bear from a multitude of relevant and practical sources, all designed to help disabled, [...]
1 VET AT A TIME Visits U.S. Veterans Chamber of Commerce
Our CEO, Lynn Lowder, and COO, Marti Stiteler, are traveling to Hartford, CT on August 17, 2017 for a three (3) day conference with Mike Zacchea and other staff of the United States Veterans Chamber of Commerce. USVCC is a groundbreaking entrepreneurial concept in support of our military veterans: