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Service Members, Veterans and their Family Members are invited to join IJF for a fun night out.*

*Eventbrite Registration & Military/Veteran ID required for entry.

Join Illinois Joining Forces for a fun night out with family and community. Veterans and Service Members will have the opportunity to visit with service providers and learn about local resources. Guests will also enjoy activities and attractions such as a carousel, hay wagon and train rides, as well as a complimentary Mission BBQ dinner.


5:00-8:00 p.m. – Resource Fair

Veterans can meet with service providers, visit their resource tables.

5:00-8:00 p.m. – Private, exclusive access to Blackberry Farm

– Kids activities and face painters for kids

-including the carousel ride, hay wagon, train rides and playgrounds

5:30-7:00 p.m. – Complimentary Mission BBQ Dinner

Military/Veteran ID required*

Blackberry Farm
100 South Barnes Road
Aurora, IL 60506