Hyatt Lodge Oak Brook Chicago
Women Veterans’ Conference – Sisterhood of Service
Hyatt Lodge Oak Brook Chicago 2815 Jorie Boulevard, Oak Brook, IL, United StatesSee VBP at the Women Veterans' Conference - Sisterhood of Service Hyatt Lodge Oak Brook Chicago 2815 Jorie Boulevard Oak Brook, IL 60523 The first Illinois Women Veterans' Conference will be held on June 2-4 at the Hyatt Oakbrook, 2815 Jorie Blvd, Oakbrook IL. The Women Veterans' Conference, Sisterhood of Service is in partnership with AllenForce. There are rooms available at the Hyatt Oakbrook - please mention the Women Veterans' Conference or AllenForce for the block rate. To make your reservations, please click here: This event is for those who identify as female Veteran and presenters also identify as female. SPEAKERS UPDATED!!! SATURDAY SPECIAL FOR $25 AGENDA: Friday: Check in and Meet and Greet Social, 3-6pm Saturday: Educational Sessions, Wellness Room, Keynote SpeakersLessons for Life Balance, Generations of Women in the Military, Identity of a Female Veteran, The Science and Power of Yoga, Confidence/Solar Plexus Lessons in Leadership, SAVE Training, Claim ALL your Benefits as a Woman, and more! Sunday: Closing Brunch Join us! Registration checks can be mailed to AllenForce, PO Box 481, Plainfield, IL 60544 All proceeds help to support the mission of AllenForce. Register Online